She Leads Uganda Project

She Leads is ensuring that there is space for girls and young women to be a part of making important decisions.

She Leads Uganda Project

The Problem:
Girls and young women are not given the same opportunities as men and boys around the world. This is due to held beliefs of what women and girls should and should not do within their homes, communities, and society. These beliefs are often used to determine the lives of girls and limit their full inclusion in society, where men are more likely to make important decisions—even decisions about women and girls’ lives, opportunities and bodies. When girls and women are not a part of these spaces where decisions are made, their challenges are often forgotten about.

The Solution:
Girls and young women need to be included in making decisions, from the household level to the national level where laws are made for all Ugandans. Beliefs that limit girls and young women need to be changed by sharing information so that all people know the importance of girls and young women in society and how they contribute to safer, healthier and more advanced communities.


Why She Leads?

She Leads is ensuring that there is space for girls and young women to be a
part of making important decisions. This project brings together groups of girls and young women and local organisations so they can share positive messages with communities about gender equality and inclusion. By working with local and national leaders, She Leads is allowing girls to share their challenges and opinions, and tell us what they need to live better, safer and healthier lives.

She Leads

Core Domains

1. Social Norm Domain

This focuses on changing the negative beliefs that prevent girls and young women from being included in decision-making spaces.

2. Institutional and Political Domain

This domain works with important structures like KCCA; Ministries of Health, Education and Gender, Labour and Social Development; and Parliament so that laws are made to support and protect girls and young women, with girls and young women.

3. Civil Society Organisation (CSO) & GYW Domain

This domain recognises that change must be led by girls and young women together with local girls’ rights groups.
65634 +
Adolescents reached with transformative education
58680 +
Youth reached with SRHR/GBV-related information and services
15588 +
Parent / caregivers reached with parental and social skills education
17500 +
Families supported with our COVID-19 response relief packages
Our Partners

Trusted Partners