
Girl Up Uganda has impacted the community immensely one individual at a time

Adolescent Girls Program

The Adolescent Girls Program (AGP) empowers in-school adolescent girls to be leaders; reach their full educational potentials; and make healthy and informed choices. The AGP provides girls with the skills, knowledge, tools, mentorship, and support to develop their self-confidence and voice to thrive as leaders in their schools and communities.
Girls that can refuse unwanted sexual attention
Girls who believe in their power to improve their lives
Girls that hold leadership positions in their school

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Most Popular in the community


Ni-Yetu Youth Program

In partnership with Plan International Uganda, the Ni-Yetu Youth Program promotes leadership skills and equips young people 13-24 years with the correct knowledge, attitude, and skills for reducing gender-based violence (GBV) and improving their SRHR (sexual and reproductive health & rights) outcomes. Ni-Yetu is a gender-transformative project that looks at challenging negative social norms and practices that affect SRHR outcomes amongst young people.
Boy Champions of Change agree that a girl should state her opinions in public
Participants increased their knowledge on how
STIs are spread
Participants seeking out sexual & reproductive
health services

She Leads

She Leads is a comprehensive five-year consortium program aimed at empowering girls and young women aged 14-24 across eight districts in Uganda. Implemented by seven local organizations under the leadership of Terre des Hommes Netherlands, Plan International, and FEMNET, the program focuses on three key domains: political and institutional engagement, social norms transformation, and fostering Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and GYW-led groups.
Girls that can advocate for their rights
Girls participating in decision making spaces
Girls that hold leadership positions in their communities

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Mazuri Designs Hub

Mazuri Designs Hub is our social enterprise business that sells beautiful African clothing and accessories while also offering vocational training in fashion, design, and tailoring and entrepreneurial and personal skills training for out-of-school vulnerable young women, ages 16-35 years, to build their confidence and create employment opportunities.
Trainees increased their income from selling their sewing products
1,300 Access Mazuri Designs services & trainings to date (2022)
MDH graduates cultivated belief in
themselves & their abilities

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Most Popular in the community


Big Sister

Our Big Sisters Network ensures the continued engagement and access to girl-friendly resources of our AGP graduates. The network offers a supportive environment to nurture and inspire emerging girl leaders through confidence-building exercises, leadership trainings, mentorship, and community advocacy campaigns.
Big Sisters actively seek out leadership
Big Sisters believe they can effectively create a budget to manage their finances
Big Sisters feel empowered to make informed decisions about their own sexual & reproductive health